Monday, August 31, 2009

Home, sick

I have not gone to school today too. I did not go to school on Friday also. I spent 2 hours in A&E on Sunday - there was a crazy boy there who screamed like a foghorn. He kept chasing a little girl - it was totally funny. He said stuff like Aaaaaaaarrrrr and Owooo Awoooaawo. He did not stop running all the time he was there.

I was not feeling so great so my mum said I should not go to school today.Go to my brand noew blog called:

Please comment

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Zoo trip

Went to zoo with friends on Sunday. My favourite place was the Lions and thee howling monkeys. The female lion and male lion started fighting because the male lion started licking the female lion.
At the barn I found out that there was a WWF wrestling match and the rabbits were wrestling each other. One of the cool part was the Meerkat tunnels. I went through the tunnel four times.
About 45 mins latere we went to the natural fauna exhibit - its where they show all NZ's native animals and talked about europeans bringing mammals and destroying native animals like Tuatara and Kiwis.
Cya later alligator!!!